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Gwynne's Story

Gwynne Marshall trained for 6 years and received her dance certification at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in 1993. During this time, she studied the Pilates Method with the late Bruce King, a student of Joseph Pilates and a pioneers of Pilates teaching.


To further her understanding of the body and how it moves, she became a student of the Alexander Technique in 1990.  In 1993 she started her ACAT certification studies and in 1997, Gwynne became a certified Alexander Technique teacher. She went on to teach at ACAT as a faculty member until 2002 and continues to participate in post graduate professional development.


Her teachers have included the late Pearl Ausubel,  Barbara Kent, Jessica Wolf, Peggy Williams, and Carl Stough, of Institute of Breathing, and many more.  She continues her post graduate work with Tom Lemens. Gwynne continues her Pilates education with Laura Martin Harrell of Core Pilates, NYC.  Gwynne studied opera for 10 year & currently works with singers to help them maintain their voices.  She co teaches at Sheridan Voice Studio & with Lisa Rochelle. Further faculity assigment were at Dillar Quayle Music School & Balance Arts Studio in NYC.


Gwynne's Approach

Gwynne Marshall is a movement specialist who teaches about body mechanics and correct posture based on the Alexander Technique. She helps students alleviate pain, move easier and with great fluidity.  Gwynne can teach you how to undo those habits and learn something different and more beneficial. This allows for less pain, more stability, strength, balance and ease of movement.


Presently Gwynne maintains a private practice in Alexander Technique and Pilates on the Upper West Side in New York City.  She works with mothers, surgeons, lawyers, dancers, singers, physical therapists, children & seniors.  She also gives lectures to physical therapy departments across New York educating them on how they can better ‘use’ themselves while working with patients.

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